The Bible teaches that when we serve the poor and rejected, it's as if we are serving God Himself.

Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Find out more at :

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thank u Lord for the love and care

Hadijjah at the hospital
What a good moment  to share with all of our dear ones once again,  Hello there, we hope that every one is doing soo great,, and  that God's healing is up on all those who are struggling  with sickness, wounds on their hearts, and spiritual warfare. here at Sera's caring place  , we are doing soo good, we are both healthy and kicking , but  our two little sweet sisters of ours had Typhoid  and Malaria for the last two weeks We are thankful to God for what he is doing into our lives and family. Honestly, if we don't sat THANK u LORD, ..... then we  are not fair,  
Shakirah  on IV 

Also our Dear brother Moses well known as "Big Moses:" very tinny though! :::::)  had avery bad Injury while playing football (Known as soccer in US) at school.   all of us are very good and soccer and we love it because its something that we have in our blood. we play for the school and we have reached the National level!, But last Wednesday Moses kicked the Broken bottle instead of a ball, The field at school is really bad, and we don't have soccer kits (shoes) so  the broken bottle cut Moses soo bad,   HE  almost lost his Right side foot! it cut him soo bad, he started bleeding  soo much toll we got a cloth and tied it soo tight, Of course the school never cared  about him, He sat their till we were ready to go home and waited for our uncle peter to drive us home,
 Moses 's  woun
When uncle peter came, we showed him,  and he was scared, he called Our mom sera who was still at the hospital with our sister Hadijjah, Then she asked him to bring Moses to the hospital, Moses  was soo weak to walk, they took him inside and we continued  home, We kept on praying for Him and  and we were happy to see him that very night,  even when he was in pain and they had put 12 stitches on him He is now happy and recovering, but we are sorry and sad that he wont play with us  Finals this week. as ask u all to keep praying for our protection,as we dont know what we are doing, WE ARE STILL LEARNING!  and we believe that learning can never end, there is always something new that happens, and so we have to learn  every day :)
Doctors working on Moses 
We are in the  middle of our school year, and so we are working hard for our good grades, We are now doing exams (mid term exams). please pray for our  wisdom and that we may see and know what we are writing on our papers. We believe that God is always there for us, and so He is our first priority, He has kept us safe, live from Dead and His love is never ending, We always have testimony to share :)
Yesterday Saturday we spent some good  time with our Mom sera, after her two weeks out at the hospital fighting for us, We have really missed her, and so we had  good time with her and shared her love for us. we  have always loved being  with her all the time, as we all know that No one could ever give us the Love she has for us, Yes  we know so many people have fallen in love with us, they love us and  try to show that,......, but Her LOVE for us is SO and VERY special! , but not beyond God's love of course!  ,  She also had visitors that were soo sweet to us and had brought agift for her........ guess what it was................? it was Avery nice phone from Samsung Company!  we all loved it and she  was  happy to have that bland new  phone!,  we  were happy for too, because we  know that the love she receives from people out there, she  gives it to us too. we love seeing her happy, because that makes her make us happy too. Thank u Uncle t! Marius and Aunt Beat. <3 <3.

Till Next time, we stay as Big boys at seras caring place,

NB, please like and post it  on a friends fb.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Friday, June 8, 2012

Life at school.

Denis Bryan is my name  and had always wanted to reach u and feed u with all the exciting and annoying stories that happens all the week in and week out, but now here i am to tell u about  my last week of May 2012. This is my last year in primary school as i am warming up for secondary school next year, I am working hard  for better results (marks) , there is allot of competition, u all know  that  uh? OK, here is one  story that was kind of a good challenge for me, that kind of taught me how  to be with much Faith. but i have always read some where in the bible that faith with out did (s) is Dead faith!
On Tuesday 29th , I had a challenge whileOn Tuesday 29th , I had a challenge while i was at school, The Class clock  disappeared from the wall, as we all had no i idea on what happened or who took it away. Now  all the questions comes to me as i was the only person in charge of that  Clock. I was told to pay and make sure i get it in 4 days. so i had  no idea on what to do, but  remembered what our Mom sera always told us that we should always have hope and faith. so i thought of one thing that could may be help me some how, I gathered all the students  to contribute some shilling so that i could be able to  buy the clock, some agreed with me and tried to get some coins back with them the following morning., but still it wasn't enough for it. But i asked a friend of mine to help me with a bike, which i used to run Home and see if i could get some help there, I reached home and  had  to tell the truth , but unfortunately,  our mom sera wasn't there,  so i had to ask Aunt Margret to and uncle Godgrey to get  me out of trouble, but still they had no money, the only thing i got was 500sh.  On my way back, i met these prisoners, I greeted them and they asked me for water, haaaa... now i said me a school boy.. how can i get something for them. but remember i had  500sh i got from home, so i asked the guard if it  it was OK to buy for them water, He said go ahead, I went to these local kiosks  and bought  water for them, i am not sure if all of them  got. 
Now, i reached school when they had finished having Lunch and i was  hungry, but i had nothing to do, i have already given   away my money ( 500sh)  so i decided  to go  and play soccer. The day was kind of ending  as i was still thinking on how to get  the School clock,  and i kept on looking for up on Him.  In the evening at 6:30pm, Our mom sera came to  take us back home with peter,   i tried to make sure i bring this to our /mom  because she had no idea, but i failed, when we reached home, i  told her the truth,  so she helped me  get the school clock, I  said to God, oooh thank u, God u are  our Father who provides everything, and I thank  and Bless u for loving me  and showing me that u are powerful. No one else like u,

I would love to encourage all of u who are reading this, that there is nothing impossible, as long as you have faith and  all your Did (s) are righteous.  Be encouraged in Our father As He is the only savior and Provider. Let me Just end my story for now, as i don't want to make u sleep while reading all these boring words,

James.1:13, Job 34 10:12
Till Next time, Love
Denis Bryan,

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Nope.  This is not a personal report on a weight loss program I've tackled.  Nor is it a body building effort I've passionately committed to. I was thinking about some way I could describe the amazing progress I've seen in our daughter Sera's children.  I remember decades ago, while I was in Junior High (that's Middle School for those of you decades younger than  I) reading the Charles Atlas Ads on the back of comic books.  Most adolescents during those two or three years struggled with insecurity and image challenges. The girls were seriously concerned about being beautiful and the boys were seriously wondering if they had what it takes.  Too few received expressions of either given them by the previous generation, who may have considered such kind of talk weak and meek.  The hope that we undeveloped, 98 pound males (weaklings) could move from where we were ... having sand kicked in our skinny faces on the beach by a Arnold Schwarzenegger type ... to looking similar to him motivated us to pray and work for change!

I love to watch change.  I love the seasons the Unites States enjoys.  Spring has sprung in America and the swollen buds on the trees have exploded into rich green leaves and the cold and dormant winter is a thing of memory past.  Things have changed.  Things are growing.  That was before and now it is after.

Richard and his mother Sera
Imagine, if you will, never going to school until the age of 13.  Imagine, if you will, starting school at age 13 in an institution that insisted on every student speaking English ... only!  And, what if it was a new language to you?  Imagine sitting in First Grade with other children who are half your size, but who could already quote the English alphabet and count way beyond numbers with which you were familiar.

But, imagine having a person who believed in you and who loved you and who took you from a bare existence on the streets of Jinja, Uganda into a house and home you could call your own.  And, a group of other boys who were now your brothers.  And. your own bed and mattress in exchange for the cardboard you slept under on concrete. And, food ... everyday.  And, toilets and showers ... everyday!  And, more than one set of clothes to wear.  School was icing on the cake.  Imagine God, in His marvelous ways,  provided school fees for you and you were going to get an education like other fortunate children.

Young man vs old man!
Richard,one of Sera's older sons, has no idea who his parents are because he never met them.  No one he knows is aware of who they are.  Someone picked him from the trash, gave him a "home" and put him on the streets to beg.  Soon he became familiar with glue sniffing and alcohol and stayed stoned or drunk everyday.  Until God used the love of Mama Sera to pulled him from that BEFORE life of despair that leads to death and made him part of her family.  Richard spoke no English when he came to Sera.  At school he was often caned (beaten for those of you in America who cannot imagine such a punishment) by teachers for not speaking English at school.

Sera's children are on holiday this week ... their last before starting the second term of this school year next Monday.  Richard is now in Grade 6.  BEFORE ... he was a lost and unidentified child who went from the trash, to the ghetto, to the streets, to Sera's Caring Place, to Primary School speaking NO English, and NOW to Grade 6 and ranked number 59th out of 117 students.  The AFTER photo is not yet available.  Richard is well on his way to being an educated, mature, man of God. This is where he isNOW and it is remarkable.

Gabe strains!
Last week I had an opportunity to spend the day with Sera's family at their home along with Hannah and Robyn.  I love these times with the children, but this was the best I have every enjoyed with them.  The continuing change I see there is fantastic. There is a lot of affection given and received in that amazing family.  I got some huge hugs from all the children and I had the distinct honor of arm wrestling with Gabe.  It was the first time that the girls, who went directly from their deplorable circumstances to boarding school, were able to live with all their brothers for four weeks.  They have adapted so well, along with their brother Gian, and it was great to experience family with them too.

Pascal with the two most important women in his life!
I was amazed at the progress all of these children have made.  They have come a LONG way from the BEFORE descriptions of their lives and are not only preforming well in school, but some are at the TOP of their classes.  In fact, the top two places in Third Grace belong to Emma and Abdal, while David is in 5th position!  Joseph is ranked second in his Second Grand class.  Little Moses, who is privileged to attend one of the best Primary Schools in Jinja, is in FIRST place in his First Grade class.  Musa is ranked second out of 117 students in Sixth Grade and John is ranked 8th.  Paul is ranked 5th in his Fourth Grade Class.

The staff at the boy's Primary School is amazed at their progress and wonder what is causing these former street boys to score so well after beginning their schooling long after their peers.  My opinion is that Sera has them speaking English at home and they have developed so much with that language that they are not attending school with the disadvantage they had when they first started.  Given the healthy home environment Sera and her staff are providing, coupled with the spiritual and relational encouragement they receive, it is no wonder that they are amazing their teachers.

Enjoying my African granddaughters
The oldest boys are on new adventures of learning. Pascal finished Grade Four last year.  It was decided that vocational training would be best for this tall, quiet 17 year old.  He has always wanted to be a barber and hair dresser.  Sera has him in an apprenticeship program with a fine tutor in Kampala. Pascal misses his family, but other than that is doing very well.  Gabriel, also 17 years old, has performed well academically and so he is now enrolled in his second year of High School and was ranked 23rd out of 90 students.  He struggles with the sciences, because of the lack of teaching in these subjects while in his previous school, but is dong the best he can.

Sera's little girls are doing  well at Fountain of Hope Boarding School.  Shakira, the middle girl, is already 6th in her class of 85.  All of them, and their brother Gian, started late in the first term, but we expect each will do better and better as they experience the stable and healthy environment of Sera's family.  Fountain of Hope Schools, where they are all boarding students, is directed by our Next Generation Ministries associate, Robert Sityo.  We are confident in the strong spiritual environment they live in there.

None of us  have reached our AFTER status, but some of us are some distance from our BEFORE status.  ALL of Sera's children have a sad and undesirable BEFORE.  They have yet to reach their AFTER too, but their NOW is pretty impressive.  For that we give God glory.  And, Pam and I are proud parents of our daughter Sera, who was lifted out of her own BEFORE of despair and is well on her way to her AFTER.
He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.  (Psalm 40:2)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

psalm 68:6

Where there is love.. there is future...... ,  My heart is always feeling for those who are helpless
as i know how it feels.  Most times I hear people(Africans) saying that  money can do anything apart from death,
All four sharing one basin.
but to me........, Money is nothing... ,"LOVE" covers everything. God knew that without love these kids were going to live a miserable life.  The day I woke up and met these sweet kids and loved them , is the day God opened their way,  These 3 girls with their brother share everything, They have been sharing one basin I bought for them, let it be  night or day time. They sleep on the floor  without even a mat, and they didn't have anything to cover themselves.  But Love changes  everything. I am  seated on my bed today writing this because  there is a change in these little kids.  I have been  running  up and down and  experiencing lots of challenges  by myself, till I asked Dad and Mom to come  with me  when I  had planed to pay visit to these kids. They didn't hesitate,  Just put on their shoes,  and  came with Peter,   who was our driver,  and Jeff, who wanted to see what I had been crying for.  Peter drove to the shores of River Nile  till the Road ended. We had to jump out and walk  towards the river  where these kids lived.   We reached there and we found  around 8 men who were there drinking alcohol, these kids were all together in the in the shade.  When they saw me, they all jumped out calling aunt Sera,  Aunt Sera is here!  They  all kept quiet and came slowly towards us, and greeted us, I  realized that they had seen  NEW faces around.
Mom  (Pam Hunter)
Dad,Mom (Paul and Pam Hunter) peter and Jeff

After 30 minutes visiting with the Kids, drunkards and their mom who  looked sick  of alcohol, we decided to go back home.   Dad, invited the kids to  come with us as  we were heading to where we left the car. I Never thought there  was  another NEW LOVE for these kids from MOM and DAD.   After reaching the van, Dad and Mom invited these kids  to pray with them,  I felt so happy  and my heart was filled with joy. After praying Mom and Dad, told me that they fell in love with them and that they were going to help me  find away of rescuing them,  God is soo good.  And He never fails, and His Love is  Big for all of us. Philippines 1:6
 After praying

Now all the faces were  filled with smiles after a prayer, God Hills people hearts  through prayers, As i am writing this  Now, all the kids are at  Fountain of Hop boarding School, and One  the little girls  (in blue) got a sponsar, Thanks to Karla Reynolds for sponsoring Ashan, may God bless u  and bless the work u put your hands on and keep loving Shakira Ashan! And thanks Goes to Dad and Mom ( Paul and Pam Hunter)  for standing with me  while loving these homeless children of God. All other  kids still needs sponsorship and we still trust on Him  to provide all that we need for these kids to stay in school.  Healthy and  happy!
chicken legs
These kids  were eating Nothing before i started  providing them food at home.  Chicken legs were the food they depended on, they used to go to  big hotels where they  kill lots of chicken and so beg the legs  as their best meals. Can u Image? Now that they get daily meals, 3 times  a day, things seems to be nice and Lovely. they are all happy and trying to settle. We thank God for His love and care.

 Gian with  his mother
This  is Gian with His mother holding A full bawl of chickens legs, i don't think He misses this........., But He is Thanking God for wiping his tears. we ask Lord that Gian and his sisters will not live this lifestyle any more, and that He will provide each and everything they need in their loves,  please stand  with us, by supporting sponsoring and praying so that we rescue these little kids lives. May God bless u all! Jer 29:11

 sera holding chicken's leg
I will  post another blog as soon as I get photos in their uniforms, May God bless u as u read this.

Psalm 17:17.