The Bible teaches that when we serve the poor and rejected, it's as if we are serving God Himself.

Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Find out more at :

Friday, February 18, 2011



Today i am here gain, but on adiferent deal, I want to take this opportunity to share my LIFE
(How God is doing amazzing things  in my life). with all of u. I will not go through the past, those
who knows i believe they know better. since 2009 November, my life started changing slowly. right
now everyday that goes by. doesn't come again. and i feel blessed in each day.
I was achristian, but achristian who  was lost, had no hope and and faith but right now i tell u, i am new.
God has been dong amazzing things in my life, I want to Thank Mom and Dad who  brought me from the lost people, and from the dark to the Light!

Its not easy to list all the Great things that God has been blessing me with, but i just have  asmall masage that i want to share with u, it won't be small to those who will understand it well.
And  i Heartily thank u foe being there for me, in times of joy and sadness. and during all this time  i have learn't how to love, share forgive and appreciate!


Don't go the way life takes u, but take life the way u go! and Remeber u are born to live, but not living
because u are born. some times prayers doesn't change the situation, But it changes our attitude towards the situation and gives us the hopes which  changes our entire life. AND
Happiness always looks small if u hold it in your hands, but when u learn how to share it, U will realise  how  BIG and precious it is!.

I have  also lean't this.
Before i speak....... I listen!
Before i write......... I think!
Before i criticise......I wait!
Before i quit...         I try      and,
Before I PRAY.......... I FORGIVE!

These are some of the things that i have leant, and i feel thay are of agreat important to me.
so i just also got to know that i should learn how be self confident in all ways  no matter what it is.

when aman lifts u up, it definetly to the size of his height.  but when God our father  lifts u up,
its  LIMITLESS.  seek HIM  now and forsake all else and u will be Uplifted forever!!!!!!!. i believe
i am lifted up for ever. my faith is soo strong. all the challenges have gone and still going through, and nothing to me and they are only drawing me closer to him all the time. Praise theLord.

Seek Him, u will find your self some where that u cant even bring your self down. your time right now, but
God is getting ready to bless u in away that only he CAN. keep  the FAITH.
The love of God is like the OCEAN,  u can only see its beginning but not the end......!

I have got alot to say but i feel u will get tired of reading all this. till next time i will keep u posted on how God is Great.


  1. How can someone not believe in the God of the Bible when they see the kind of work He has done in a person's life. Every life makes a statement and Sera's is making a better and better statement about the grace and glory of God. It's a thrill to observe.

    Paul Hunter

  2. Amen!!!!!!
    Dad, u are adonkey tat God uses carry peoples Burden, and u are an Angel that God uses to lught peoples Candles! keep up, Serve Him more. u will Bless many!

    Love u Dad!
